Sunday 27 March 2011

Datum: Week 4 - Developed Sketchup Model Submission

Additional Textures

In addition to my final developed model. I have decided to add another 2 more textures to my model. In total I have used 4 textures in my final developed model.

Word: Limp
This texture is located at the in-between level of my  model. It is used at the front. I thought that this was a good contrast with my other texture that I used for the in-between level, 'organic' that is show on the windows, providing a nice transparent window pattern.

Word: Opaque
This texture is located at the below ground of my model. In association with this new texture it provides a juxtaposition of my other texture that I used for the below ground, 'eroding'. The texture Opaque, i thought was appropriate for this floor as the Mueck below studio description word was 'child'. This textured pattern provides a good idea of a child's playful mind with association of the eroding texture. Both textures contrast in the design that they harmonize each other, that represents well with the idea of the word 'child'.

Final Sketchup Model - "Connecta Gallery"
My model was used with the concept words of Connect (above level) and Child (below level). I tried to create my model so that it not only physically represent to words but also through a symbolic way. For example from the images and videos below, i have demonstrated the word Connect through several aspects. The first would be with the ascending stair, the use of the triangle stairs are connected, geometrically and is shaped as a square/ rectangle shape at a certain perspective. Next as we go into the upper level into the studio area of Malangi I decided to connect an indoor studio with an outdoor studio. I thought that this may be appropriate as he is an aboriginal artist and the outdoor space provides a connection with nature. In association with the lower level of Mueck studio, the use of the spiral stairs provide a playful childlike characteristic of a play equipment and also the use of textures that I have selected as viewed above presents a childlike creativity. All together my model is a connection of all the pieces that associates with my concept words.

I used the x-ray function to show what the interior of my model looks like from the outside.

This section cut demonstrates all three levels of my model, the below studio, the gallery and the above studio/outdoor studio.

This picture focuses on the outdoor above studio of Malangi.. From the use of shadows at the upper level, the roofing creates an interesting constant change of shadows due to the movement of the sun. Also as you can see there is a little boy on the ground looking up towards the above ground studio. The glass floor provides a transparent view to the top and vise versa, to provides a sense of connection between the two levels.

This is the outside of my model. You can see that there is two different textures displayed. One of the textures, 'Organic' is used on the windows and the other texture 'opaque' is used on the lettering of the entrance.

This is the gallery space looking at the ground. Certain parts of the ground is made of glass so that you can see the below studio area of Meuck. It also acts as a skylight to allow natural light into the below ground studio.

This is the outdoor above studio of Malangi. Again there is a glass flooring allowing visibility to the lower level.

This is the below studio of Mueck.

The artist artwork
These were the artist works that i initial chose to construct my final model. The selected words from the images where connect and child.
Malangi: Spirit, Connect, Clever
Meuck: Child, Reveal, Isolated

2D Sections used for Final Model
These are the initial sketches that I drew during weeks 1-3 that were turned into my final developed sketchup model. These include the initial section cut of the model, stairs and the textures. The rest of my models, stairs and textures are located in my other blogs located at an earlier date.

The words that I used was 'Connect - Malangi' for above ground, and 'Child - Meuck' for the below ground. The rest of my 18 section drawings are located: "Datum: Week 1 - Inclass studio work: Sections"

This is my section drawings of my stairs. My other set of stairs that I experimented on for my draft sketchup model is located: "Datum: Week 2 -Stairs"

These were the textures that I used for my final developed model, they are reticulation (above), Organic (in 
between), Limp (In between), Eroding (below) Opaque (below).
Material use
Above ground studio: concrete walls, glass windows, timber shelter (outdoor studio roof)
Gallery space : concrete walls, tinted designed windows, timber stairs
Below ground studio: concrete walls, stairs - thin aluminum wiring, red wood panels, aluminum pole
 The rest of the 36 textures are located at my other blog: "Datum: Week 3 - Material" 

Animation of Developed Model

This is my first video of 3.
It shows an orbiting view of the exterior of the building as well as the outdoor studio. I have added in a shadow to demonstrate the use of the roofing for the outdoor studio as well as the use of the transparent windows. The textured windows of "organic" provides a good view of the gallery space allowing you to see the connection of the stairs especially the stair case connection of the gallery to the above ground studio.
The URL link for this video is:
My video can be viewed from the youtube using the tags: ARCH1101, EXP1, 2011, FRANK MING CHIN under the title: Exp 1 Week 4 Final design (2) movie 1.avi

This demonstrates the underground section of my model, taking particular views of the spiral stairs. Within the space, you can see the size of the studio as well as the artist work Mueck - 'Boy'.
The URL link for this video is:
My video can be viewed from the youtube using the tags: ARCH1101, EXP1, 2011, FRANK MING CHIN under the title: Exp 1 Week 4 Final design (2) movie 2.avi

This video demonstrates the gallery space and the internal area of the upper studio of Malangi. It focuses on the triangular stair cases and also emphasizes the connection from the gallery space to the studio. It also shows the small stair cases at the gallery space entrance.
The URL link for this video is:
My video can be viewed from the youtube using the tags: ARCH1101, EXP1, 2011, FRANK MING CHIN under the title: Exp 1 Week 4 Final design (2) movie 3.avi

My model can be viewed from the google warehouse using the tags: ARCH1101, EXP1, 2011, FRANK MING CHIN under the title of Datum gallery.
URL link:

The Trees: by amilagroso
The Vases: by google.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Datum: Week 3 - Material (Continued)

It is about connections with nature and numbers. This works well with my project because my initial approach was the words connect and child. The 'connect' comes from nature and numbers from the video. Child is seen symbolically through the use of simple numbers and the creativity and harmony that are enjoyed through the eyes of a child. Also nature is in link with one of my materials, organic, which is located in the in-between level. Also there is a representation of my ideas of the spiral stairs and the triangular ascending stairs.

This can be viewed at:

Datum: Week 3 - Material


These were my initial drawins of the above, in-between and below material designs.

I decided to use some of the drawings that i did and modify them a bit, to make them look nicer.

This is the final design material for the above ground. (Reticulation)

This is the final material design for the in-between level. (Organic)

This is the final material design for the below ground. (Eroding)


This is Malangi's artwork in the above studio area. As you can see the art work is very small at 30cmx30cm.

This is Mueck Artwork, in the below studio area. it is very large and the artwork exceeds the normal ceiling level and extends into the nave ceiling level.


These are the above ground material.

These are the in-between ground material.

This is the below ground material.


These are my developed models, I made some new changes to all three levels as they were already displayed at the top. I also added a surrounding environment to make it look nicer.

Friday 18 March 2011

Datum: Week 2 - Stairs (continued)


House 1

I re did the bottom stairs for my first house, because it looked to bland and it needed more of a rhythmic modern look to it, to make it look more interesting. I removed the ordinary railings and replaced it with triangular glass ones, this adds more of a matching took to the stairs.

House 2

This is my second house, bottom level. I removed the top guards of the stairs and replaced it with extended lines. I've made a continua um of the lines from the bottom of the building to right at the top.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Datum: Week 2 - Stairs

My Stair Design

House 1

This is the draft drawing for my first house.

Two Words: Child, Connect
Material: Wood, this will be the main component of my stair cases. Glass, this will be used as part of the railing along side with aluminium bars.

This is the bottom pair of stairs.

This the top of the stairs, its a combination of panel stairs and spiral stairs.

House 2

This is my second house section drawing.
Words: Connect, Child
Material: Glass, used as part of the railing. Steel, as part of the main component of the stairs.

This is the bottom of the stairs. it is a simple stair spiral stair case, with wiring at the edges to provide as a structural component.

This is the top stairs. It is noted that the stairs are in a triangle shape.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

EXPERIEMENT 1: DATUM (WEEK 1) - INDEPENDENT STUDY - Continued from the Section Blog


So this is the section that i have chosen. The words were for the top section: Child and the bottom section: Connect. The reason for the design for child was that it reminded me of a child's mind, how innocent and creative a mind can be. The random shape and texture reminds me of this feeling. The underground section: Connect, the shape is like a jig saw puzzle, where one end will fit with the other end as an infinite longitudinal pattern

So this is my attempted rendered design. It looks different from my original sketch especially the above ground.

This is the back view of the building

As you can see the roof is made out of glass and even further another glass panel is added on top. I thought that this added roof would give the appearance of the observers eye once peircing up into the sky an interesting observation.

So this is the final design.
Words: Child, Connect
Main Material: Double glass window, double brick walls