Tuesday 15 March 2011

Datum: Week 2 - Stairs

My Stair Design

House 1

This is the draft drawing for my first house.

Two Words: Child, Connect
Material: Wood, this will be the main component of my stair cases. Glass, this will be used as part of the railing along side with aluminium bars.

This is the bottom pair of stairs.

This the top of the stairs, its a combination of panel stairs and spiral stairs.

House 2

This is my second house section drawing.
Words: Connect, Child
Material: Glass, used as part of the railing. Steel, as part of the main component of the stairs.

This is the bottom of the stairs. it is a simple stair spiral stair case, with wiring at the edges to provide as a structural component.

This is the top stairs. It is noted that the stairs are in a triangle shape.

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