Tuesday 8 March 2011

EXPERIEMENT 1: DATUM (WEEK 1) - INDEPENDENT STUDY - Continued from the Section Blog


So this is the section that i have chosen. The words were for the top section: Child and the bottom section: Connect. The reason for the design for child was that it reminded me of a child's mind, how innocent and creative a mind can be. The random shape and texture reminds me of this feeling. The underground section: Connect, the shape is like a jig saw puzzle, where one end will fit with the other end as an infinite longitudinal pattern

So this is my attempted rendered design. It looks different from my original sketch especially the above ground.

This is the back view of the building

As you can see the roof is made out of glass and even further another glass panel is added on top. I thought that this added roof would give the appearance of the observers eye once peircing up into the sky an interesting observation.

So this is the final design.
Words: Child, Connect
Main Material: Double glass window, double brick walls

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